connecting brands and manufacturers

Pairing the right manufacturer with the right brand

and vice versa. This is our number 1 goal – creating equitable B2B relationships between CPG brands and Copackers! 

The Comanufactured Story

You know how hard it is to find the right manufacturer for your product? Well, imagine doing that for 14 years straight. That was me. I’m talking late nights, endless emails, and more dead ends than I care to count. It was driving me nuts.

So there I was, August 2023, thinking, “This is ridiculous. There’s got to be a better way.” And just like that, Comanufactured was born.

Here’s the deal: Manufacturers are great at making stuff, but they suck at telling you what they can make. And there was no good place to find all this info in one spot. So I decided to fix it myself.

Fast forward to August 2024. We relaunched Comanufactured. We’ve made it super easy for brands and manufacturers to connect. Two-way communication, user-friendly interface, the works. And guess what? We’re not stopping there. By the end of 2024, we’re planning to launch our own app. Pretty cool, right?

Why trust Comanufactured?

Fair question. Here’s the thing: I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve launched products that have hit seven figures in revenue. How? By finding the right manufacturing partners. It wasn’t easy, but I figured it out. And now, I’m here to help you do the same.

What makes us different? 

We’re NOT a tech company that stumbled into CPG. We live and breathe this stuff. We know the ins and outs of manufacturing and product development. We understand the headaches, the roadblocks, and most importantly, how to overcome them.

Here’s something else that sets us apart: We believe in fairness. We’re all about creating balanced relationships between brands and copackers. It’s not just nice to have – it’s essential for scaling up.

Our mission is simple: Connect the right brands with the right copackers and make sure everyone wins. No complications, no hidden agendas.

So, whether you’re a brand looking for the perfect manufacturer or a copacker searching for your next big client, we’ve got your back. We’re here to shake things up in the CPG world.

This is Comanufactured. And we’re just getting started.

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